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(If someone reading this didn't finish the game, what are you doing haha)

I really enjoyed the game, I instantly remembered the Witch's House and saw the connections, haha. Art side is very pretty, and I also enjoyed that the 'main threat' was humane and not rageful /blinded by hate (also without me having to be scared of every corner like in WH). And I always love symbols coming to life (personifications)-I see a lot of potential in the making :3

Although, I do wish there was more, but I understand the pressure of deadline! I plan to play Midnight's Bell, but for now the web games are much more accesible for me, so I'm also thankful for Doll's House being the web game. 

Thank you for your work, wishing you fun  with creating and waiting for more of Pale Moon City stories :3


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the game ^^ 


A cute game about dolls and tragedy with a profound story.

In the red-haired doll's room with a piano, some collisions are missing for the sofa and the table with the flower. In the first book I read, I think there's a "<<look>> like a grandma" missing. Since the game is browser-based, you need to edit the theme, and in layout, you have to set the screenshots to sidebar to show up.

Amazing story! I played this because you made Midnight's Bell, and this game did not disappoint. The plot twists were great, and I did not expect that take on phobia. My favorite character is the artist. The puzzles were pretty fun.

You should add more tags to your game—like 10 or the maximum—so more people can discover this gem. Also, consider editing the pages with more colors and maybe a custom background. Your profile is important too. Add a banner and maybe a presentation about the things you like to develop.

You have a great future in game development. Keep up the good work!


Thank you sm! There's actually a tragic amount of typos in this because a lot of the text was put in on the last day, and I was rushing. That's also why the theme is so bare bones, I didn't have time to make anything better because I was literally less than an hour away from the deadline ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… I'll definitely try to fix the typos and edit the page a little bit once voting ends. 

Also, thank you for the tip about the sidebar. I didn't know about that.  Thanks again for playing!


RPG maker horror masterpiece.


wouldn't go that far but I'm glad you enjoyed it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Thanks for playing!